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To create Online Courses you need to follow below given steps:
Step-1: Register on
Step-2: Verify your email ID
Step-3: Login to Your Account
Step-4: Go to your profile navigation given on upper right corner
Step-5: In the navigation, you will find an option of "Apply as Instructor"
Step-6: Fill all details ina pplication Form
Step-7: Wait frp approval from admin.
Step-8: After approval, you can able to create online courses
How you can earn through Online Courses/LoveClasses/Study Material
After course creation, you can share the link of your course to all your social media profiles, groups, pages, whatsApp.
Whenever any of person will buy your course, you will earn 70% of the course price. Thet will directly be tranferred to you added bank account within5 to 7 days.